Excursions around the Epirus Region

Live the fishing experience and having fun!
Enjoy the beauty of the sea, watching the playful and magnificent dolphins, the dazzling Caretta Caretta turtles and the wonderful
birds. Experience the fishing experience while having fun and taste delicious local produce.
You can do all this on cruises
of Amvrakikos.
The city was founded by the Roman emperor Octavian (Augustus), after his defeat of the compined fleets of Mark Anthony and Cleopatra in the naval battle at Actium (31 BC).
Excavations have brought into light the Walls of the city, a Roman residence with mosaic floors the Nymphaio of the Roman Aqueduct and the conservatory of Nicopolis which is used for musical and theatrical performances. The city had about 30.000 inhabits and was the biggest city in the region Epirus.

Acheron river
The Acherontas River from its springs to its mouth creates in its path an alternating scenery with a remarkable ecological and naturalist interest.
It is a navigable river from its mouth all the way to Mesopotamos – Necromanteio. The Acheron is ideal for canoe and kayak enthusiasts, as well as for ramblers.
18th century monastery with a monument to the brave souliot women.

Parga’s Castle
The Venezian castle of Parga.
The oracle of the dead.
In ancient times the Nekromandeio was used to contact the “other site”.